

The "Enrique Alcaraz" research award is held every two years and includes two research categories: Published Works: Edited books / monographic volumes, and Unpublished works: Doctoral thesis and Master degree manuscripts related to updated issues in LSP and specialized communication.


Award criteria:
One of the main aims of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE) is to foster research and teaching in the field of LSP and specialized communication. The “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award” (“Premio de Investigación Enrique Alcaraz”) aims at supporting and disseminating research focusing on LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes) and specialized communication.

With the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”, AELFE wants to pay tribute to Dr. Enrique Alcaraz Varó, one of the pioneers in the field of English Studies in Spain, and whose main research interests were in the field of LSP. Throughout his fruitful and widely recognised academic career, Dr. Alcaraz lectured in different national and international universities, and published books on applied linguistics and specialised translation. Prof. Alcaraz contributed to creating the degree of Translation and Interpretation Studies at the University of Alicante, and he was also one of the founding members of the Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas (IULMA – Institute for Applied Languages). Throughout his life, Prof. Alcaraz inspired and stimulated a large number of researchers in the field of LSP.

GENERAL CONDITIONS: 10th EDITION (To be celebrated during the 2025 conference)

  1. The “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award” (“Premio de Investigación Enrique Alcaraz”) is granted to the best research study on LSP. It can be a published or unpublished monograph (including edited collections). In the case of books, they must have been published in the last four years.
    1. Published works. They can be edited or co-edited monographs and / or authored books. They must have been published within the past four years. The works must deal with any aspects related to languages for academic/professional purposes, applied to academic areas such as social sciences, hard sciences and / or humanities.
    2. Unpublished works. They must consist in: An unpublished manuscript (Doctoral theses with Summa Cum Laude and/or Master theses with Distinction in their fields). The works must deal with any aspects related to languages for academic / professional purposes, applied to academic areas such as social sciences, hard sciences and / or humanities.
  2. In order to be eligible for the award, candidates must be AELFE members and have to submit a research study (monograph or edited collection) on LSP and specialized communication studies. In the case of published books, works published from 1st January 2019 to 31st December, 2023 will be accepted. In the case of unpublished works, they must have been evaluated after 1st January 2019 until 31st December, 2023. Due to COVID in 2020, this 10th edition includes five years (2019-2023), instead of four as in previous editions.Co-authored research studies are also eligible, although it is required that at least one of the authors is a member of AELFE. If the award is granted to a co-authored work, the total amount will be transferred to one person only, previously agreed with the association’s treasurer. 
  3. Eligible research studies can be written in any of the working languages of AELFE (Spanish, English, German, French, Italian and Portuguese), although works in other languages may also be considered. 
  4. The winner will receive 500 euros in the category of published work, while the prize is 300 euros in the case of unpublished submissions. Both winners in the categories will be notified before the AELFE conference, and the certificates will be awarded during the AELFE Conference in 2025.
  5. Applications for the “Enrique Alcaraz Research” award will be sent to the following postal address or email:
    1. Jesús García Laborda (AELFE), Facultad de Educación, Departamento de Filología Moderna,  C. Madrid, 1, 19001 Guadalajara (Spain)
    2. Email:
  6. All the applications and the accompanying documents must be submitted no later than 22 December 2024. No proposals will be accepted after the deadline. Proposals must include the following documents that can be submitted in paper and/or in electronic format. In the case of published works, the paper copy must be sent to the aforementioned postal address, but this is not a requirement. Both in the case of published and unpublished works, all the documentation can be sent by email in pdf.:
    1. Brief bionote of the researcher (300 words maximum)
    2. A written application presenting the work, summarising its main objectives and highlighting its main contributions (300 words). All these documents
  7. Proposals will be evaluated by a panel that includes members of the international advisory board of the Iberica journal as well as members of the executive board of AELFE, who may ask external reviewers to evaluate the proposals. The award can also be granted ex aequo to a maximum of two research studies. In that case, the total amount will be distributed in two equal parts. The board also reserves the right to leave the award vacant.
  8. Proposals will be evaluated on a 10-point scale, based on the following criteria:
    1. Originality and coherence of the research
    2. Scientific and methodological rigour
    3. International dimension of the research
    4. Contribution to the field of languages for specific purposes and specialized communication
    5. Other criteria that the panel may consider relevant
  9. The executive board of AELFE reserves the right to withdraw the award if it is detected that participants have failed to comply with the present conditions or with the fairness and integrity of the award.

Awards from previous editions

9th Edition of the
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9th Edition of the "Enrique Alcaraz" Research Award

"Published Works" category:

Ignacio Guillén Galve and Ana Bocanegra Valle


"Unpublished Works" category:

María de los Ángeles Velilla Sánchez



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8th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”
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8th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”

"Published Works" category

María José Luzón and Carmen Pérez-Llantada
(Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)

"Science Communication on the Internet"
Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, July 2021

"Unpublished Works" category

Rosana Villares Maldonado
(Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)

"The Convergence between Internationalisation and Language Policy in Higher Education"
Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, July 2021

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7th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”
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7th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”

Birthe Mousten, Sonia Vandepitte, Elisabet Arnó and Bruce Maylath
(Aarhus Universitet, Denmark / Universiteit Gent, Belgium / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain / North Dakota State University, USA)

"Multilingual Writing and Pedagogical Cooperation in Virtual Learning Environments"
Pamplona, Junio 2019

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6th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”
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6th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”

Georgina Cuadrado, Irina Argüelles, Pilar Durán, María José Gómez, Silvia Molina, Joana Pierce, María Mar Robisco and Ana Roldán and Paloma Úbeda
(Universidad Politécnica, Madrid, Spain)

"Bilingual Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Metaphors and Metonymies"
Mérida, Junio 2017

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5th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”
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5th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”

Maurizio Gotti and Carmen Sancho Guinda
(Università degli studi di Bergamo / Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

"Narratives in Academic and Professional Genres"
Bucarest, June 2015

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4th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award” ex aequo
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4th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award” ex aequo

Edited by Vijay Bhatia, Purificación Sánchez Hernández and Pascual Pérez-Paredes
(City University of Hong Kong / University of Murcia)

"Researching Specialized Languages"
A Coruña, September 2013

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4th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award” ex aequo
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4th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award” ex aequo

Honesto Herrera-Soler and Michael White
(Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain)

"Metaphor and Mills"
A Coruña, September 2013

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3rd Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”
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3rd Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”

Miguel F. Ruiz-Garrido, Juan C. Palmer-Silveira and Inmaculada Fortanet-Gómez
(Universitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana, Spain)

"English for Professional and Academic Purposes"
Vila do Conde, 22 September of 2012

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2nd Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”
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2nd Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”

Pedro Fuertes-Olivera and Ascensión Arribas-Baño

"Pedagogical Specialised Lexicography"
Valencia, 6 September 2011

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1st Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”
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1st Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”

Victoria Guillén Nieto, Carmen Marimón Llorca and Chelo Vargas Sierra
(Universidad de Alicante, Spain)

"Intercultural Business Communication and Simulation and Gaming Methodology"
Hamburg, 22 September 2010

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